Most Recent Updates
......And/or what I've added to the site recently......
Updated by: Mad Jackyl @2:39 p.m. - 3/25/02
The Metal Gear Confidential will, within one day, possibly two, be moving to it's new host ( This move comes because of all the visitors such as yourself that have overrun the limits on my Tripod accounts' maximum allowable bandwidth traffic. The new domain has unlimited bandwidth and unlimited diskspace, and you will still be able to reach it through it's old URL (, if only through a meta-redirect which will be enacted within two days. The faithful will pass the torch to the new domain without a hitch. Same site, different URL. On February 2nd of last month, The Metal Gear Confidential turned two years old! It's been fun for everyone, and I'm just glad I've had the damn gumption to make this thing last this long. That's been the news for now, I'll keep running the site if you keep visiting. Hell, I'll even do it if you don't come cause I'm a stubborn jackass. See you next mission-
-Mad Jackyl-
Updated by: Mad Jackyl @5:31 p.m. - 1/13/02
Well, another update, three months later. Metal Gear Solid 2 has graced us with it's presence, and we have stood in the light. For some, it was the greatest; for others, it didn't quite live up. Either way, it was a good game, and you can't take that away from it. Three good, 'solid' months have allowed The Metal Gear Confidential to expand and recreate itself. New layouts were abound, artwork just flowed from my pen to my scanner nearly, and several great links went up. In the past three months, the Metal Gear Solid 2 section has been completed (twice, because of a foul-up), about five new pieces of art were introduced, a new layout for the main page was finished, the list of Dogtags for MGS2 was put up, a Previous Operations link that explains the backstory of the Metal Gear series, some wallpapers, and a voice clip were exhibited! That's a lot, I'd say, and I'm really glad I'm able to bring it to everyone who appreciates Metal Gear truly. Another noteworthy bit is that my site reached 10,000 hits in December since I first started counting hits way back in the April of 2000. Ah, the glory of Metal Gear rolls on.
Updated by: Mad Jackyl @12:05 a.m. - 10/15/01
Five entire months without glancing at this particular page...geez. Oh well, it's not like anyone reads this section anyways...perhaps this page is more of a timetable for myself than anything. I have added tons of content in the past five months. A Hideo Kojima interview or two, another David Hayter and Yoji Shinkawa on the side just for flavor. For the main course, I served up 5 in-depth character biographies which you can see on this page and some other features which I will mention here. For starters, I whipped up a hell of a banner for the main page (as well as the one for the message board). Added a Metal Gear Solid 2 Weapons page, three new pieces of art, including one submission, and a newly revamped Metal Gear Solid 2 section, which as of the time of this writing is still under construction. In the last update, I mentioned my pal Keith Link (del frickin tree) was doing some Metal Gear maps, which he is now finished with and have been published here. My next ambition is to redesign the Metal Gear Confidential's main page and finish the MGS2 page. Then, after that do what I've been waiting and to do since I started this some Metal Gear Solid 2 which comes out next month! Yippee Ki Yay, Mother@*^#$%+!!
Updated by: Mad Jackyl @6:31 p.m. - 5/5/01
Contrary to my last official update, I don't have any new interviews up. Also, my scanner is not working for reasons unknown to myself or anybody else for that matter. Photoshop has granted me some classy banners which I've made for the site, and I'd like to say that I think the site is starting to shape up nicely. I think it's finally starting to get a nice look to it. Also, big thanks go out to Keith Link for making the source-code for the new links table on the main page available to me. Check out his site Weirdcrap; he's currently working on Metal Gear (NES version) maps using screenshots for you all. He's going to let me post them here, so go give him a "hurry the hell up" kick in the ass whil e your at it. On another subject, the Metal Gear Solid Walkthrough is finished thank God, but only the information part. I'm still going to spruce it up with dossiers of all the characters and maybe some pictures too. That's all for this update, you regular visitors (yeah, right).
Updated by: Mad Jackyl @3:12 p.m. - 2/18/01
Well, it's been more than three months since I officially updated this page, but I have been actually working on my site much more often than that, I just haven't logged it here. Since the last update, The Metal Gear Confidential has celebrated it's one-year online anniversary! (February 2nd according to my earliest uploaded file in my account!) I've included a Downloads section where you can get some pretty nifty midi's of all the NES Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake MIDI's. I tried to get MP3 formats for you, but I couldn't upload them to my account. If your really deperate and have to hear the Metal Gear Solid Midi's, I'll put them up too, but I'm in no rush. I've been working on the Metal Gear Solid walkthrough, I had no idea it would take this long! It's getting closer and closer to completion; I'll be glad when it's all over. Next time I update I should have some more Interviews for you. Also, I just got a new scanner, so maybe I can put some neat stuff up for you.
Updated by: Mad Jackyl @6:50 p.m. - 11/10/00
My site has been running strong lately. With the new message board, I've allowed ranks such as "Genome Soldier" or "Fox Hound Renegade" as rank-names to accompany your ezboard title. Ranks will be given out according to number of posts. For example, someone who has posted 10 times in the forum will have the ranking of "Genome Soldier", while someone who has posted 50 times will have the ranking of "Son of Liberty - Second in Command". It's just a neat little add-on next to the enormous improvement that the ezboard has brought to the site. A mini-poll, which is also a lot of fun has been added. This is to get viewer-feedback of what you want to see and what interests you the most. Two interviews have also been added in the Interviews section. One with Mr. Hideo Kojima, who needs no introduction if you know anything about Metal Gear games, and one with So Toyota the motion director for Metal Gear Solid. I didn't get around to the background/site makeover due to 1.) no time and 2.) no resources to do it with. Oh well.
Updated by: Mad Jackyl @8:30 p.m. - 9/25/00
Hey all, new site design laying just around the corner. I plan on new background wallpaper, little knicknacks here and there, etc. A whole new layout is what I'm aiming for (the main page anyways). Since the last update (2 months ago, yowzahs) I've added a forum (message board, whatever you want to call it), but you should still try and make an effort to sign my guestbook (insert cheapshots here). The Metal Gear Solid 2 page has been spiced up a tad and hopefully soon I can put up thumbnails instead of crappy text for the MGS2 screenshots. We'll see how much gets done, hopefully more than what has been getting done.
Updated by: Mad Jackyl @ 12:30 a.m. - 7/24/00
Hey there fellow passerby and somewhat frequent visitors to my site. I decided to tell you what's going on this week. I hope to update and do more work on this site, so I'll try my best. You may have noticed a slowdown in the progression of the site, but that is due to my new job schedule. Not much time, however, within the past week, on the main page, I finished the Rex specifications page (the last clickable image to the right on the hierarchy timeline). I'll try tonight to type up an interview with Kazunobu Uehara, the Main Programmer for Metal Gear Solid. That's it for now, later chico's.
Updated by: Mad Jackyl @ 3:27 p.m. - 7/4/00
I cannot believe it's been what, three months since I've taken the time to update this page? Don't mistake me, I've updated alright, but I've never taken the time to actually write up what I've done. If your a frequent visitor, you might know that there are indeed some weekly changes. Okay, first off, I'm very proud to present my ARTWORK SECTIONwith some drawings I've done. I drew the images there and scanned them and all. Hope you like them. I've been trying for a message board lately too, or a chat room, but it seems the ones I've put up you need to register for, and I don't like doing that to page visitors. I know how people like to just come onto a page and write, not having to sign up for yet another thing and all. I'll be on the lookout for both a message board and a chat room. I've added a second Hideo Kojima interview to my interview list as well. I know I've been lagging on the MGS walkthrough, but I'm terribly unmotivated in that area. It's a killer putting myself through that. One more thing, in my weapons archive, I've added a picture of a grenade there (you wouldn't believe how hard it was for me to find it, either).Well, glad you checked in, come back soon!
Updated by: Mad Jackyl @ 2:23 a.m. - 4/8/00
Damn! What a bunch of screwed up weeks it's been since I officially updated. Just finished typing out another interview of one of the MGS team members. I found some pics (the ones on the main page) that you can click on to learn about. I've mostly done small things that only a regular visitor to the site would notice. (Note: regular visitors to my site do not exist.) One of the pics on the main page is about FOX HOUND and the other which I shall someday get around to doing right is about the only picture that is available on the sequel to Metal Gear Solid. I shall enlarge this for you, as it looks like this picture is of the blueprints of the next Metal Gear prototype. I finished the Metal Gear (NES) walkthrough (YAY!!) and shall now commence upon doing the Metal Gear Solid song and dance. Even though this has been duplicated countless times on other pages, I think a Metal Gear webpage would be incomplete without a MGS walkthrough. Keep writin' in that guestbook and give me some friggin' motivation will ya? What do you want to see?
Updated by: Mad Jackyl @ 6:00 p.m. - 3/22/00
Finished with the Kojima interview last night (God, it's about time.) Added this brand-spankin' new "UPDATES" link. All this week, I'll be working on (and hopefully finishing) the MG 1 walkthrough.