Hideo Kojima
Producer/Director, Konami
Claims to fame: Snatcher, Metal Gear
Red font= Interviewer
White font= Kojima
What, if any, differences will there be in making a successful game on PlayStation versus on PlayStation 2?
As you know, PlayStation 2 has been launched in Japan, and you can play DVD movies on it. There are people in Japan who bought the PlayStation 2 as a DVD player, so we have to keep in mind that target audience. We have to get the graphics' level up to a certain point where these DVD watchers will be satisfied. At the same time, what I'm working on is a game, and it has to be fun and playable as a game. While it is a game, what I have to keep in mind is that this other audience will expect a certain levl of graphics. So what I have to do is get the both graphics and gameplay up to these expectations. That is what is key with the PlayStation 2.
How do you view online games? Do you think it is all hype or do you view this as a new focus for the future?
Up until now, we had no idea of what game players looked like or what their tastes were. You know, the people who buy our games. We did our market research the best way we knew how; using this, we imagined what kind of person would be buying our games and crated for that person. But now, with online capabilities, we can communicate with the players and maybe we can talk to them within the games. This way we can learn the tastes of the players and hopefully quickly incorporate this into our game. I predict that online will become a mainstream thing to all games.
Will the rising cost of development simply seperate the men from the boys, or will it hurt variety and innovation in the long run?
I believe that we should not be worried about that. Small companies obviosuly won't be able to create a mega-game, but at the same time they can focus on a small game, a low-budget game. It is really 100% idea. I mean, if a company comes up with a low-budget game with a lot of innovative ideas, it will be successful. With that money they can then go on and create a higher-profile game. There are a lot of niches to explore.
Beside yourself, who's the greatest creative mind in gaming today?
Mr. Miyamoto (creator of Mario), and Mr. Yuji Kori who created Dragon Quest.
Is there room for four competitors in the video game industry?
Just like in the natural world, I think they can coexist. When all other species are gone and all that is left is one powerful species, that being will become extinct. They will coexist.