Beretta Pistol
.45 caliber with minimal recoil. Sturdy and tested for maximum use in combat situations. Used shells do not eject, which makes better for keeping your location indisposed. Fully compatible with a silencer.
Used to single out enemies and dispose of them. With the silencer option, this is much easier.
Sub-Machine Gun
Fully automatic chain gun with minimal recoil
Used to take on heavily armored troops or several enemies at once.
Grenade Launcher
Heavy artillery weapon using rocket propelled grenades (RPG's) for long distance demolition.
Use these in Operation Intrude N313 to defeat both the Flame Trooper, and Twin Shot.
Rocket Launcher
A surface piercing rocket-propelled miniature missile. Very dangerous in the wrong hands.
Use these to destroy Big Boss and the twin Arnolds.
Ammuntion with caliber (diameter of barrel) matching both your Sub-machine gun and Beretta Handgun.
Proximity Mines
Explosive charge set to detonate under sudden pressure. Buried in ground for best effect.
Used to disable large armaments. Used to destroy convoy tank during Operation Intrude-N313.
Smooth, smokeless mentholated tobacco
Unknown: Keeps a cool head??
Oxygen Tank
Oxygen tank with several liters of oxygen. Valve connects with breathing apparatus.
Used solely during Operation Intrude-N313 for sneaking underwater in the runoff ditch in Building #2.
Cardboard Box
Large collapsable cardboard box used to hide beneath from ignorant guards. Great for sneaking around without getting caught.
Used to hide from guards. During Operation Intrude-N313, Snake used this to find the location of Gray Fox's holding cell.
Remote-Controlled Missile
Rocket-propelled, remote-guided missile. 2' 1/4" inches long - 1-3/8" diameter tubing.
For demolition purposes and location-intact exercises in eliminating targets. Use throughout Operation Intrude-N313 to destroy panels controlling electrically restricted floors.
Mine Detector
Space saving fold-and-lock setup. Alkaline material touches magnetic connector when a metal object is present, causing the alkaline and connector to touch which closes the circuit and emmits a beeping noise.
Used in Operation Intrude-N313 to pass safely through mine field en route to Building #2.
Dual-precision viewing nodules capable of long-distance sight.
Used to view targeted objects from far distances, keeping your location hidden while doing so.
Face enclosing filtering device that allows for normal vision and breathing.
Used to filter out any means of biological or chemical agents from inhalation into the lungs and respiratory system.
Bomb Blast Suit
A suit designed to resist impact from explosions and air blasts. Thickly insulated, heavy brown material; has a hood to protect the entire cranium from trauma; Heavy and uncomfortable to wear.
Used in Operation Intrude N313 to withstand high-pressure air blasts on roof of building 1.
Iron Glove
A strong iron alloy tool made to fit over the hand to protect it from harm while being used for smashing things.
No use!-???
A ready-to-eat meal, no preperation needed. Contains complete vitamin and nutritional needs.
Use these to bring health level back to normal, or restore damage taken.
Keeps all report of muzzle flash and noise to a quiet minumum.
Thickly padded Kevlar or Semtex vest with nylon threadings on all stitches.
Used mainly to reduce the impact of bullets or projectiles from piercing the chest cavity.
Infrared goggles
Electronic sensors inside of the lens of these goggles allows the wearer to see infrared laser mesh security beams, which show up in the peripheral vision as bright-red silhouettes.
Use these to spot security laser mesh in order to avoid setting an alarm.
Electromagnetically charged needle always shows correct direction up to the exact latitude, longitude, minute and second; providing the most accurate measurings possible.
Used in Operation Intrude N313 to cross desert behind Building 2 en route to Building 3.
Enemy Uniform
A sleek gray uniform matching that worn by the enemy, insignia and all.
Used in Operation Intrude N313 to sneak past guards patrolling outside Building 2.
Rough-grip texture enables non-slip surface while handling. Compact designed to minimize storage space.
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