2-8-02: Metal Gear Solid 2 Release In Europe
Metal Gear Solid 2 was released on March 8th in the United Kingdom to a grovelling mass of players who have had to wait for the game longer than anyone else. However, as the U.S. found out, patience is a virtue, and the wait certainly paid off for those living in the UK. The game comes jam-packed with new features not included in the previous versions in other countries, leaving the rest of the world who already received the game with our jaws in our laps. What kind of new features? Well, to start off, Boss Survival. The name speaks for itself: you must see how long you can hold off facing off against each boss in a long series of battles placed back-to-back-to-back to one another. Other new options include a mode in which you the player control an assortment of useable characters to play through the game such as a Guard, President Johnson, Solid Snake (in parts you couldn't before play though as him), and a ton of others which I'm unsure of. Konami also plans on distributing the 100-minute English subtitled Making of Metal Gear Solid 2 DVD, though I'm unsure if it will be sold seperately or not.
1-13-02: Metal Gear Solid 2 Premium Package
I didn't think there was much need to provide all you who dare read these words my input on MGS2. I don't think I ever needed to cover it's awesomeness and it's negative aspects, as giants such as IGN and Gamestop, as well as any other professional game site has ever graced the internet have covered every nook and cranny of it in-depth. Much more in-depth than I would have been able to give it to you. However, there's very few ways to find out about the Metal Gear Solid 2 Premium Package that was spoken of months before the release of the game. If you don't know what the Premium Package is, it is a collector's item of sorts among Metal Gear fans. A Japanese version of the game, a 72-page artbook, a MGS2 soundtrack CD, a 100 minute "making of MGS2" video, and a small statuette of Solid Snake. That's what I'm here to tell you about. I have ordered one, as some of you may know, from Cart-Mart.com for the price of $111.45 U.S. Some of you may not have received yours, and such is my case. Well, the reason is that Konami has gone against their contract, or whatever they may deem it, and not yet released the Premium Package. Since it is a Japan-exclusive product, it is sold only in Japan and you must import it if you live elsewhere. That I did, online. I have emailed Cart-Mart.com several times, and I get the same answer: the suppliers still have not been shipped the product so that they can re-ship it. In other words, the people here in the United States are waiting for the O.K. from Konami to send them the product. Once it reaches them, they will then mail them out to the customers who have made purchases. Supposedly, I was told, Cart-mart was supposed to receive the Premium Packages shortly following the new year. Of course, it is now the 13th, and no sign of it yet. I made my purchase on 10/8/01, over three months ago. They assure me it will come, but it's just a matter of time now.
8-27-01: Metal Gear Solid 2 Due Out For Turkey-Time
A little late to say now, but it isn't mentioned here otherwise. Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty is due out in stores by Thanksgiving in November. This is to be the last Metal Gear game in the series, according to creator and developer Hideo Kojima of KCEJ in Japan.
5-5-01: MacFarlane Toys Mistake, Returning Characters and Metal Gear Solid 2 Demo
Within the past two months, MacFarlane Toys, the owner to the production rights of the Metal Gear series action figures, came under fire from Konami of Japan for unintentionally releasing the character names on distribution lists sent out to retail stores. The names of several characters were released in this blunder, though so far, only silhouettes have been seen of each of the declassified characters. The names Raiden, Solidus and Fortune were released as major characters due to this error on MacFarlane's part.
Also recently announced, the American voice actors from Metal Gear Solid that would be returning for their continued parts in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty were named. Christopher Fritz, voice of Metal Gear Chief Engineer Hal Emmerich (Otacon) would be returning, as was Patric Laine (Revolver Ocelot) and the returning talent of the voice of Solid Snake, David Hayter. Heavily supported clues are out that Liquid Snake's voice actor will return as well.
The release of Zone of The Enders, a Kojima-produced title on the PlayStation 2 saw the arrival of not only a great game for the PlayStation 2, but the Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty playable demo. It is hard to describe the awesome depth at which this game is played in. The graphics, realism, and newness that the demo has brought to this final chapter of the Metal Gear series has refreshed everything you knew or know about Metal Gear games. Medium-range polygon graphics render all the moving characters and in-game action, leaving tons of leftover PS2 power to make the surroundings "come alive" with realness. Everything is in real-time and the motions are so fluid and life-like you truly feel a part of the game. The forlorness of standing on the bow of a freighter in a heavy thunder storm with a mission ahead of you is impacted on by small details such as the fluidity of the waves crashing and the distant New York skyline glowing in the solemn darkness. This has got the greatest feel, look, and action of any game I've ever seen, as many would agree with me. What many thought in Metal Gear Solid could never be reproduced again in terms of greatness, Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty has destroyed that illusion. And this is only the demo.
2-18-01: Release date nearly set for MGS2 - Last Metal Gear game?
Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty is slated for a Fall 2001 release (Only about 6 months, yay!). Kojima has stated that there are no plans yet to delay the release, contributing that to organized planning and an on-time production schedule. In other news, Kojima has also declared that this will be the last Metal Gear game and that he would like to avoid making spin-offs on the Metal Gear idea completely (No "Chapter Two" dividing the saga into different pieces).
11-10-00: Metal Gear Solid 2 for X-Box?
Metal Gear Solid is slated for an appearance on both the PlayStation 2 and the X-Box. The title of the X-box version will be, for now, deemed Metal Gear Solid X as stated in this month's Game Informer Magazine. Though it could be getting worked out between Microsoft and Konami, in my opinion, I won't believe it until I see it. PS2 all the way!
7-29-00: Kojima speaks out
Hideo Kojima has spoken to various members of American Press, such as Next-Gen Gaming and PSM-Extreme Magazines on his upcoming game, Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. Every once in a while, the Metal Gear mastermind will drop a new clue or hint as to what kind of interactivity will take place in his next sequel. As of last week, I read that Kojima has plans to implement new forms of interactivity with the player. One he mentioned will be that the PS2 will read your DVD player and find out your personal habits and hobbies, e.g. - what kind of movies you watch, and the times you are most likely to play games during the day. He then went on to acknowledge that this would be unlawful, and be like "spying" which would be prohibited. The DVD reader, if it were allowed, would look at your movie selections and see, "Hey, you like Horror movies!" and from that tidbit of information, it would unlock an ultra-gory version of MGS2. Another thing that IS going to be used is a game that decides how violent the game is. If, suppose you went through the beginning of the game and you killed a whole lot of soldiers, then the rest of the game would be a gun-fighter blood bath hypothetically. But, if for instance, you are the more sneaky type of gamer and stealthily moved around during the game only killing when neccessary, the game would be more of a spy-type setting for the rest of the game. So basically, Kojima wants to make the game into what each individual player's gaming habits are.
5-28-00: Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty unveiled at E3
Konami's newest addition to retro-gaming and Hideo Kojima's defining masterpiece series, Metal Gear, has yet another sequel. This being a sequel to Metal Gear Solid, the terrible mech that bears the series name is back again in another evolved prototype named "Metal Gear Ray", taking it's name after the aquarian animal the Manta Ray. This game was introduced at Konami's booth as reported in-game-engine movie trailers at this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo, astounding anyone who cared to watch. The PS2's power looks incredible in this game, and no detail is left unseen by the player as the few screenshots I've seen are breathtaking in their splendor and realness. Real eye candy. Kojima has said that is a secret for now.
4-20-2000: Konami speaks of E3
Konami declared that the sequel to Metal Gear Solid will be unveiled at this year's E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo). Konami has been adamant as to any details about this game, and are doing a very good job of keeping this one under wraps. The only rumor they've allowed to leak out is a possible setting in New York, and that you will follow two different playable characters throughout the story. The sequel is due for the PlayStation2, which is expected to make it's debut state-side close to September. Konami can be expected to make a strong showing with this much-anticipated sequel, and going by the overwhelming E3 showing of Metal Gear Solid in 1997, could just steal the show. Expect a big shabang from the Konami booth. This is the one to keep your eye on. No release date for this game has been set.
3-13-2000: Cold Hard Facts
Recently, Hideo Kojima, creator of the Metal Gear series announced that a sequel to Metal Gear Solid is already in the works for the Playstation2 that just recently came out in Japan on March 4th. (No, I'm not saying the sequel just came out, the system did!)I read this personally with my own two eyes, so this isn't a rumor. But anyways, I believe it. The game is supposed to take place in New York City, and you'll once again be playing as Solid Snake, as well as another character which hasn't been named or identified as of yet. This game is supposed to happen in different parts of the city, not in just one building like some sort of Die Hard flick.
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