Final Battle
- Fisticuffs with Liquid Snake! -

    BATTLE ATOP THE REX... After the dramatic explosion that ended the current Metal Gear project, you were thrust backwards into a wall, deeming you unconscious. Minutes later as you reclaim consciousness, a deep red hue lights Metal Gear's darkened underground base. The explosion must have alerted the base's systems, causing the emergency lights to come on. As you come to, you realize you are on top of the downed Metal Gear. What the?! Foggily, you see a slim muscular figure makes his way towards you laboriously. Liquid lives! Somehow Liquid survived the blast and is coming for you! After a lecture from your mad brother, he explains his hate towards you and his terrible intentions. He is going to kill Meryl and you with a bomb unless you can stop him! On top of that, the fiend has taken all your weapons. Your powerless! When the talking is all said and done, you rise to challenge your own brethern in physical combat. This will truly prove who is the more superior warrior. The last man standing stops the bomb from exploding.

    PATTERN PUNCHING LIQUID... Once Liquid has finished his speech, 30 seconds have ticked down on the timer, only allowing you two and a half minutes to knock Liquid Snake from Rex's dome. Use this time to dodge, weave and punish Liquid in the only way you can - your fists. Liquid starts by running about the top of the mech. Try to catch him from the side with a punch and if it connects, follow it with another punch and a kick. After a successful strike, Liquid is floored, but invincible when flashing. Charging in at this time is foolish, resulting in a facefull of kicks and punches, so keep your distance until he stops flashing. Wait until he calms, and plan another hit.

Liquid's initial attacks hit once, flooring you. If you're near to the edge of the Metal Gear, you'll lose your footing and fall off the edge. In Extreme Mode, this means a fall to certain death, but otherwise you'll hang on before pulling yourself up. Liquid sometimes tries to stamp on your hands as you hang, so hurry up and try to pull yourself up. Similarly you can knock Liquid off the mech, but he cannot be pushed right over the edge until his health bar is empty.

After running about and trading punches for a while, Liquid Snake tires of playing with you and gets more serious. When his health bar reaches around two thirds empty (or full if your the optimist), Liquid plays a more cunning and cautious game. He'll begin skirting around like a boxer, faking you out and trying to get in his quick one-two punch that is highly damaging. You are able to get into more of a pattern here. As you see him lunge forward for the first hit, step back, wait until he finishes his punching, and retaliate with either a three hit combo or, if you can manage this, up to five consecute punches (a tiny delay after the second punch allows this to occur). Finish with a kick, then run around in a large circle to avoid Liquid as he flashes and pulls himself together for another round. Now run in and repeat the motion as soon as he's gotten his wits about him. This way, a considerable amount of Liquid's energy is lost in a small period of time.

    AVOIDING THE RUNNING CHARGE... A final addition to Liquid's repertoire occurs when Liquid is heavily bruised. He has a charge which is slow but immensely damaging. Out of all his attacks, you do not want to get hit with this attack! Either run in quickly if you see him crouching down and strike him, or run back and predict the dodge directioin, dodging wildly. Even better would be to move as far as you can as Liquid doesn't make it all the way to the other side of the mech from a charge starting point. Gauge his finishing and point and be ready to punch him when he gets there. Finally, when you remove all of Liquid's energy, you are able to punch him from the mech. Wait until he's facing you with his back to the edge of the mec and execute the punch combination. The final hit should spin him off the mech and into the inky darkness below! Liquid's death comes as a relief. Now to rescue Meryl, and quickly!

    DIFFUSING THE BOMB... Now comes the point of the game where your actions in Revolver Ocelot's torture chamber become paramount to the survival of Silverburgh. If you gave in to torture, a still and lifeless Meryl lies cold to the touch, almost driving Solid Snake to insanity. If is only the timely arrival of Doctor Hal Emmerich that saves you from suicide and self-loathing. However, if you survived Ocelot's interrogation with pride intact, the bruised but still breathing Meryl wakes and exclaims her joy at your arrival. Whatever the outcome of your actions, B2 Stealth Bombers are currently converging on this location to destroy the entire base fortress. Time to leave, with your companion of choice...or is that destiny?