Escape Route

- Commandeer a vehicle and escape! -

    INTO THE JEEP... The building is under heavy bombing, and structural integrity has been compromised! Doctor Hal Emmerich calls you on Codec and tells you there is a service ramp leading to the service near the Metal Gear chamber. As your companion runs on ahead, stop for a brief moment, run back into the Metal Gear chamber and take Rations next to the stairwell before dashing into the Parking Area. Unfortunately, your partner is a little too eager to escape, and is spotted by a Camera sensor. Three guards come running in to halt your progress. React to this threat by running around and behind the barrel near the gated exit way and throwing and enemy's confronting you over your shoulder since you have no other weapons. As your associate finds a jeep with a key in the ignition, attack the one Guard that heads round the barrels (the others stay training their FAMAS rifles at you but do no shoot). The preferred takedown method is strangulation (or to avoid combat altogether). Finally, a jeep is found with a key, and it roars into life. Run directly around the front of the jeep and hop in the back next to the submachine gun. Aim with the submachine gun directly for the barrels, and blow them sky high.

    SENTRY GATE? DEMOLISH IT!... Your driver now takes the controls. You are now standing in the back of the jeep holding a belt-fed .30 cal water-cooled machine gun with unlimited rounds and one thought, the destruction of all obstacles between you and the exit. Aiming your shots is easier if you switch to first-person view and keep it there while you fire. Soon you'll reach a checkpoint with three guards stationed there. They must be taken down. Barrels behind them must be exploded, and the area strafed (each Guard hit) before they are picked off one-by-one. Always kill your current target before moving on to the next target. Now your companion takes over, smashing through the barrier to the next checkpoint. The same pattern is required for the next checkpoint although there are no barrels. Spray gun fire laterally from one side to the other, and then stay on one guard until he drops on before moving on to another. the glass in the security hut can be smashed.

    THE INSATIABLE DESIRE TO LIVE... As you race up the straight supply road a shout can be heard from behind you. Liquid Snake is back again! In a final insane attempt to dispatch you, he weaves the other jeep left and right, shooting FAMAS rounds with one arm and steering with the other. This is where your Rations come in handy. Aim your weapon using first person for best effect at him and predict his weaving angle, and fire back. Your life depends on it! Reacting to a weave and firing just before he rises is the best policy. However, he'll then try ramming you. Just keep aiming at Liquid and fire indiscriminately. Again he'll weave, and again you must predict his move and strike him as he rises. When he moves to the side of you when you race through the pillared section, shoot just ahead of him, the shots will then hit directly. Finally, as the blinding sunshine appears, Liquid swerves into your path, and the two jeeps strike each other, tumbling over and over into the bright dayling of the base exterior...

    FOX-DIE FOR THE FOX-HOUND... The Metal Gear is destroyed. The Genome Army is in shambles. The terrorists have been stopped and the nuclear launch was averted. Fox-Hound is thrown upside down on it's head, it's renegade members mostly dead. Outside the service ramp, Ex Fox-Hound Member Solid Snake and his companion walk silently away from the derelict island base, but not before a shocking tale about the assasination tool Fox-Die comes to light, bringing one man to his death and another left with doubts. The terrible nuclear disposal facility that was nearly the new capital of the entire world due to the looming nuclear threat holding the rest of the world hostage looms in the background, smoking. That threat is no more, though, the mission complete and the world back to it's former state of safety. This is Solid Snake making his final transmission from Shadow Moses Island. Disaster avoided, returning back to the Discovery. Out.

Once the credits have rolled by, pay attention to the snippet of conversation at the end. The voice is familiar, too familiar almost. Yes, you can clearly remember that voice from the rigorous torture you underwent back at Shadow Moses. It seems that Fox-Hound Member Revolver Ocelot is still alive and well, and seemingly working as a double agent for the U.S. government (which explains why he didn't die from Fox-Die exposure, as the government has the vaccine). He is in communication with a third member of the enfant terrible project from the sounds of it. This individual is code-named Solidus as Ocelot refers to him in the conversation. Ocelot also calls him "Mr. President"....but President of what and whom? Only time will tell. After all, the best is yet to come...