Naomi Hunter

REAL NAME: Unknown
SEX: Female
STATUS: Single
20's [supposedly]
NATIONALITY: Rhodesian/American
160 cm
Freelance agent and Meidcal Chief of the new Fox-Hound She provides Solid Snake with information [behavior, personalities, bio-related] on Fox-Hound Genome Soldiers, as well as the best method of execution.
DR. NAOMI HUNTER Dr. Naomi Hunter was born in the small province of Rhodesia (what is now known as Zimbabwe) in the late 1970’s (assumed) to unknown parents. An ophan from ever since she could remember, Naomi never knew her real parents, being too young to have any memories of them herself. Her parents are thought to have been a mix of Caucasian and native Rhodesian descent however, since her skin complexion is a beautiful olive-brown. She also speaks in a soft-spoken hush that is very close to an English accent, which gives Hunter a small idea about her parents’ influence on her. She is a strong-minded woman and likes to be called Dr. Naomi rather than Dr. Hunter. Hunter and her biological parents were seperated as a result of the Rhodesian Independence War or what is sometimes called the Zimbabwe War of Independence. Guerilla factions consisting of rebels of the black majority rose up against the white minority government of Ian Smith, which led to dozens of bloody skirmishes. Smith had declared unilateral independence from Britain rather than end white rule, which Britian required of Rhodesia. Deciding to overthrow the government now that Britain would no longer back Rhodesia, the black majority toppled the minority government in favor of a peace agreement in the end in which each adult could vote, regardless of race.

Since the Rhodesian Independence War involved human rights, Big Boss was sure to have a hand in it. Smelling the foul scent of oppression, which Big Boss hated in any form, he couldn’t stay away for long. To show his disfavor, Big Boss sent some of his own personal troops (mostly fanatics who fought with him and would follow him into anything, regardless of the situation), though it is unsure if Big Boss himself went.. Among these men he sent to battle against the white minority government was Big Boss’s pride and joy: Frank Jaeger, better known as Gray Fox.

Jaeger’s (pronounced ‘Yay-gr’) battles took him all across Rhodesia, sabotaging government facilities and wiping out small bands of the enemy as well as stopping enemy convoys. During one particular raid, Jaeger’s unit swept through a village, destroying everything that could be vaguely identified as the enemy. Demolishing an enemy installation, Jaeger found two of it’s occupants still alive. With the victims, one male and one female still pleading for their lives, he laid waste to both victims with short bursts of gunfire. Only then did he notice the dirty-faced young girl barely older than an infant standing nearby. Feeling guilty for his lost humanity for this shameful act, he took it upon himself to ensure the little girl would have a better life. He took her under his wing and brought her along with him, calling her Naomi.

Naomi was taken to safety and through Big Boss’s resources, made it to America. Naomi saw who she considered her older brother only periodically and for short amounts of time. And so she lived her life until she was in her teen years, but by then, she lost contact with Frank totally. Curious about her roots, Naomi was pleased to find her grandfather was a Japanese man who had served in the FBI during the years 1930-1950 in which J. Edgar Hoover was the Director of the FBI. Following cue, Naomi realized a similar ambition after completing her doctors degree and transferred across seas to the Tokyo Police Bureau Police Science Laboratory where she specialized in DNA testing. Seeking a clue to her past, she became one of the more adept members of the organization. After analyzing all the information and experience she had with her DNA work, Naomi had issues with the validity of some of the forms of testing. Disgusted at the lack of precision in the DNA testing and weak organization of the department, Naomi departed as soon as she came to the realization that none of the work she’d been doing would be good enough to help disshevel her genetic past and learn more about her parents and her own past.

Quitting the Tokyo Police, Naomi found a more professional approach to her problem and landed a job at a gene diagnosis firm. All too soon, she found she did not like this job either as it played against her morals by using untested gene therapy on patients. Spending only six months with the firm, she moved back to the U.S. to join a biotech business giant named ATGC in Biotech Bay, California, who were also working on a major joint-venture called the Human Genome Project, whose goal it was to uncode every human gene and isolate them to find out what functions they served.

She was able to focus on the research she prized more than anything now, and moved into what she considered more ethical gene therapy. Her hard work payed off when she found a loophole in biology never known before. She discovered a way to use a gene as a vector or tool to spread cells with whatever she liked without using viruses or ribosomes. A surprising stem of this discovery was that she could ultimately isolate and reprogram certain genes in a particular order to produce a heightened sense of awareness neccessary for combat. These were eventualy incorporated into the already ongoing Genome Soldier project which used gene therapy also, but never before had anything been done like this. With the Genome Soldier Project further advanced, she received recognition for her work from Special Forces Unit Fox-Hound, who intended to give her a position on it’s medical staff. Being a feelance member meant she still had time to work on her biotech research with ATGC, working in the Pentagon on the Genome Army project.

Taking complete charge of her area of research, she handled the task of upgrading and maintaining the genetically altered Fox-Hound members. Once every six months, she integrates any newly discovered Soldier genes through gene therapy to all team members and conducts additional programming using her original ‘gene targeting’ procedure. Working with Fox-Hound brought many tidings of Frank Jaeger and his missions to her ears, though the stories she heard were sometimes strange and twisted, and more so as time went on. The last time Naomi would see Frank for several years would be in the summer 1999. It would be the last time she would see him as an ordinary man.

The Zanzibar Land Riots of 1999 brought much change for Jaeger. This uprising would see him pitted against his old friend and long-time comrade Solid Snake. Being on opposite sides, Solid Snake, in order to complete his mission, defeated Jaeger. The encounter left Jaeger more dead than alive and Fox-Hound quickly salvaged his remains from the minefield in which he lay lifeless. Keeping his vital organs oxygenated and his cells alive with the aide of resuscitory machinery and intraveinous liquids was the first step. His brain had been inactive for too long that the doctors feared brain damage was emminent. Finally able to keep him stabilized, the once proud military genius known as Gray Fox was dead to the world; a vegetable. Useless in his state.

Fox-Hound’s reaction to the greatest travesty to hit their organization yet was one of great hopes. After the demise of Big Boss and the nearly complete death of his most trusted lieutenant, Gray Fox, Fox-Hound assigned a doctor who had worked on Fox-Hound’s medical staff with Naomi Hunter, Dr. Clark. Dr. Clark was put in charge of the resuscitation and stabilizing of Gray Fox’s condition, and was given special orders to create a super-soldier out of him. The alternative would be to make Big Boss a revived super-soldier, but Gray Fox’s youth and potential held much more value alive than Big Boss would. Using advanced biochemistry and cybernetics, Dr. Clark toiled and experimented with Gray Fox’s body to build a super-soldier with unbefore seen abilities. Dr. Naomi, through the inside of Fox-Hound, heard horrific stories about her brother and wondered if they were true. Every time she questioned, she was met sternly with authority and denied access to any information regarding Frank Jaeger or the combat agent Gray Fox. Dr. Naomi, going against orders, did her own research in the databanks of Fox-Hound and with a bit of snooping around, found her former adopted brother was not in the combat field as expected, but had been used as a guinea pig in Dr. Clark’s experiments for three years to test the Genome Soldier results before they were implemented into the actual Genome Army. This sickened Hunter and she vowed revenge. Meeting up with Jaeger in Clark’s laboratory late one night after the day’s research had been done, she found him heavily sedated and strictly bound. He was delirious and hideously misfigured; the only way she could tell it was him was by his face, which still bore the old resemblance to Frank Jaeger - the rest was an ugly flesh-manipulating exoskeleton from the head down. Naomi was so horrified that she helped Gray Fox escape the lab. The next morning when Dr. Clark returned to his work at the laboratory, he was killed in a mysterious explosion that to this day goes unsolved as to what happened. Most blame revenge on Naomi’s part, which is the likely story, but there were no witnesses to the explosion.

Naomi Hunter was billed during the Shadow Moses Island Revolt as Medical Chief of Fox-Hound for her expertise in personalities, behavioral sciences and bio-related knowledge. She provided ex-Fox-Hound agent Solid Snake with information involving the Fox-Die spreading-agent, geneology, and the nature of certain medical conditions as well as detailed descriptions of what the Genome Army had undergone. Her cover-story was blown partway through the mission though when her background story showed inconsistencies and she was revealed to be someone totally unknown. Claiming that she didn’t have a real name that she remembered, she always went by what Frank Jaeger had called her - Naomi. Upon arriving in the United States at her early age, unspoken strangers had helped to obtain identification papers, that of a Dr. Naomi Hunter. She never found out who had helped her win identification papers. Feared by Campbell and Master Miller to be a spy working for the Fox-Hound renegades, she was placed under arrest by Roy Campbell and not allowed to further partake in the mission. Naomi was then interrogated by Campbell and the others aboard the Ohio Class submarine that housed temporary headquaters for the Shadow Moses mission. Nothing could be found of her motives to partake in the mission, except for small discrepancies with Fox-Die. Shortly before the mission was started, Dr. Naomi had made slight altercations to Fox-Die, but only she knew why. Since noone else knew the inner workings of the Fox-Die program, it was not followed up as a lead. Later, upon talking to Solid Snake using a smuggled Codec, Naomi told Solid Snake she altered Fox-Die especially for him, but never finished telling him why she did so. It remains a mystery still to this day. She has not been seen since the end of the Shadow Moses Island Revolt