Master Miller

REAL NAME: McDonnel Benedict Miller
SEX: Male
STATUS: Single
NATIONALITY: American-Japanese
187 cm
Exceptional combat veteran specializing in all forms of warfare. Requested to aid Solid Snake via Codec regarding potentially hazardous combat situations.
Born McDonnel Benedict Miller into a third-generation of Japanese-Americans, “Master” as he is known to his survival class and Fox-Hound recruits looks decidedly more Caucasian than Japanese. Much about his past is [CLASSIFIED], but it is known he lives in the wilderness of Alaska where he helps train the Alaskan Scouts, a sub-group akin to the United States Army’s Rangers specializing in prolonged survival in the wilderness during combat situations. Being fluent in both Japanese and English, Master was an exceptional choice for a highly distinguished military career serving in English and Japanese involved skirmishes. Miller earned the nickname “Master” for his thoroughness in training new recruits and raw talent and turning them into top-grade soldiers. Known infamously as a hardheaded drill instructor for many years, he has helped churn out some of the world’s finest while serving under the British SAS, The Green Beret, the Marine Corps and Fox-Hound as an authority on survival training and all forms of warfare. Miller’s tough regime of tactics include foxhole digging, land mine disposal, boobytrapping, hunting, improvised structures, living off the land, bodily chemisty, combat psychology, situational hazards and guerilla warfare. Miller is also very well read and knowledgeable on the history of his environment and it’s peoples, and often brings lessons from his surroundings into his training routine.

In the early days of Fox-Hound, Miller was a recognized face in the organization, always referred to as “Master” out of deep respect for the combat veteran. It was in these early years of Fox-Hound that Master reached his peak training and the prime of his life. Serving mostly under Colonel Roy Campbell (Big Boss was never very personal with him), then head of Fox-Hound, he enjoyed his days pummeling his recruits through the rigorous daily activities he planned for them. Never known to complain even under the harshest circumstances, Master always kept a cool head on and off the battlefield, his patent style being a cool demeanor of strength and aggression shown by his toned to perfection frame and shaded sunglasses. Miller prided himself on his strength and ability, and was a military die-hard all his life, recognizing his niche in life as serving in the Armed Forces.

As the millenium approached, Fox-Hound was involved in the Zanzibar Uprising of 1999. Sent in by Fox-Hound as situational advisor in military affairs, he provided assistance via a personal communications device to Agent Solid Snake, the leading-most agent of the organization. Through his quick decisions and logical thinking as a tactician, Master Miller provided answers to Agent Solid Snake that helped guide him through some of the worst scenarios possible in a one man solo infiltration. Miller was a most useful and resourceful person to work with, and both he and Solid Snake struck up a friendship during the brief conflict in Zanzibar that would last longer than the entire mission itself. With Miller’s headstrong and smooth approach, he came across to Solid Snake as being down to earth and easy to talk too, and both spoke frankly to each other on many occasions throughout the skirmish. The two had known each other previously, but vaguely at best as they had only trained together briefly. The relationship was put on hold as the events at Zanzibar were squared away and Solid Snake went on a hiatus, vowing never to fight again. Agent Solid Snake of Fox-Hound disowned the organization he helped make famous shortly after and fled to the Alaskan wilderness to live in harmony with himself and his inner demons. Miller, on the other hand, spent several more years with the Armed Forces (mostly with Fox-Hound) until he retired in his early 50’s as a decorated soldier and exceptional combat veteran. A man like Miller, with the military strong in his blood could not rest for long, and staying idle did not interest him. He moved to the Alaskan wilderness as well to live in the bush and for one other reason - to continue being a drill instructor. Perhaps he moved due in part to hoping that one day, he would meet Solid Snake again, but that is only skepticism. He lived out his retirement in Alaska, gathering information on the various legends and folkore of the place (a subject which always interested him). Though the work was only part-time, Miller loved his job of training the Alaskan Scouts so much he would have done it without pay. For McDonnel Miller, there was no other way of life.

In the year 2005, terrorists’s seized a missile complex on Shadow Moses Island in Alaska’s Fox Archipelago. Retired from Fox-Hound and the Armed Forces, Master Miller was still active and serving informally as military advisor and instructor when the events of Shadow Moses went down. The United States Government, blackmailing retired former Colonel Roy Campbell into accepting command of this mission, used Campbell’s niece Meryl Silverburgh to lure Campbell. The scenario called for backup help in the form of old comrades. Campbell’s resourcefulness rooted out McDonnel Miller, who had last been known to be associating with Alaskan recruits. Master Miller was no easy find, and Campbell soon found him to be almost as hard to find as former agent Solid Snake. Miller, being the military man he was had no trouble being persuaded to become part of this mission; not only would he get to see action again, he had the chance to assist Solid Snake, whom he considered a kindred soul.

Campbell, with help from Master Miller and his various contacts, were finally able to discern Solid Snake’s whereabouts and upon finding him were able to convince Solid Snake into cooperating in this mission, though he was somewhat reluctant. Heading back into action, Master Miller supported Solid Snake once again via codec with important tips and helpful advice.

In the events that followed at Shadow Moses Island, a heinous double-cross altered Solid Snake’s trust in Master Miller. When the events of Shadow Moses were approaching an end, Master Miller who had been helping out Solid Snake the entire mission turned out not to be Master Miller at all. In a clever scheme to manipulate Solid Snake into partaking the mission on Shadow Moses Island, the clever squad leader of Fox-Hound, Liquid Snake, murdered the man known as McDonnel Miller at his Alaskan home and disguised himself as the hardened drill instructor. Instructing Solid Snake supposedly from his home in the barren Alaskan frontier, Master Miller (Liquid Snake) learned valuable information from Snake on the mission’s perameters as well as what Snake’s next moves would be. From then on, the entire mission from beginning to end to stop the terrorist’s nuclear launch was constantly met with adversity in the form of ambushes and roadblocks as if information were being leaked to the enemy. None of these setbacks could stop Snake, and not even Liquid’s clever disguise could hide him for long.

Three days prior to Shadow Moses, Roy Campbell, who was in charge of operational control lost contact with Miller. Campbell claimed to have lost contact when Miller’s codec link was mysteriously cut off, making communication with him impossible. Working with Campbell’s assorted talents was a young woman in charge of communications and data systems, a technology developer named Mei Ling. Mei Ling, who invented both the Soliton Radar System and the Codec personal communications device used in the operation kept track of the encryption and deciphering of the resistance team’s transmissions to one another. On the day of the operation, Mei Ling confirmed Master Miller’s transmission signal as originating from inside the base rather than from Miller’s own home. Word was given to Roy Campbell who took the unexpected matter as top priority. Campbell decided to check up on Miller at his residence on a hunch and sent a reconnaisance team out to further explore the matter. However, it would take several hours until a chopper could reach Miller’s residence and in the meanwhile Master still advised Solid Snake on tactical situations and COA’s (Course Of Action). Campbell did not tell Solid Snake his thoughts on the matter and therefore did not inform him of his suspicions or of the chopper team that was already making it’s way towards Master’s home. Several hours into the mission, and all too late, Campbell’s recon established radio contact, telling Campbell that Master Miller’s body was discovered at his home and that he’d been dead for at least three days. Three days being the exact time Campbell’s Codec link with Master had been cut off, Campbell informed Solid Snake of Miller’s death and the unnatural coincidence of the communication breakdown with him. Upon being found out, the imposter posing as Master Miller revealed himself to be none other than Fox-Hound’s squad leader Liquid Snake. Citing his motives for killing Miller, Liquid Snake used Master’s disguise to further manipulate Solid Snake by motivating him to insert the PAL codes, which would activate the nuclear warheads used in the terrorist action.

McDonnel “Master” Miller died in the events leading up to the Shadow Moses Island Revolt of 2005. Location of his remains is [CLASSIFIED].